Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Wow we actually put up a new post within a week!

There is a ton of cool projects happening around Bloomington right now.  Here is our boy Kelsey's new edit for New Order Skateboards! Its got all the Btown homies ripping.  Check out http://neworderskateboards.com/ 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

NEW UPDATE!!!! 3/26/15

Hi All!
Its been a very long time since I've updated the site. Well the blog. My quarter new years resolution is to try to be a little more on top of all things internet. Damn, I hate the internet. But I need to put my Luddite ways behind me and post stuff up here. Plus a ton of rad stuff has been going on in Bloomington, and it needs to been seen!

So to start here are some pics of some of my favorite young rippers!
All photos were taken by Dallas Bailey. If you want to check more of his work go here-   https://www.flickr.com/photos/dallasbailey/with/16184759474/

Sam Spradling Ollie

David Shiu Frontside 180

Hasan Y Ahmed 5-0